Body Surface Area (BSA) Calculator estimates the total surface area of a person's body based on their height and weight. BSA is often used in medicine, especially in determining drug dosages and medical treatments. Simply input your height in centimeters and weight in kilograms, and our calculator will compute your estimated BSA, providing useful information for medical practitioners.
This page provides you with a body surface area (BSA) calculator and information about this important measurement.
BSA is the total surface area of the human body. It's a crucial measurement used in various medical calculations, including:
Metabolic rate: BSA is a better indicator of metabolic rate than body weight alone. This is because metabolic rate is related to the surface area available for heat exchange.
Drug dosages: Certain medications, particularly chemotherapy drugs, are dosed based on BSA. Cardiac output: BSA is used to calculate cardiac index, which measures the heart's performance relative to body size.
The calculator will display your BSA in square meters (m^2).
While BSA is a valuable tool, it has limitations. It may not be accurate for individuals with extreme body compositions, such as those who are very muscular or obese. Additionally, BSA does not account for individual variations in metabolism.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice.
Please consult with a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.